Requirements for Tantra Schools

The Tantra Federation seeks to include schools that teach Tantra as a path to attend a long lasting happiness and liberation from suffering.


Further requirements are:

• Has a pre-defined and concise curriculum that meets the standards of the Tantra Federation
• Teachers in the school are qualified to provide training
• Approach to leaning is consistent and in-depth

Standards of the Certified Tantra School  (CTS) should reflect the above criteria and show how they have been implemented.
Any school that meets our minimum training requirements is eligible to be accredited a Certified Tantra School.
On registration, students who go ahead and complete their training are eligible to register with the Tantra Federation as Certified Tantra Teachers. Note that the credentialing system of Tantra Federation is a directory and licensing service in comparison to other credentialing systems such as accreditations, leisure..etc.


To become a CTS, submit an application with the following information and materials:

1. The name(s) and contact information of the school’s Owner(s)
2. A syllabus of your training that satisfies our Standards at the 200-, 300- or 500-hour level
3. The name(s) of your school’s Trainer Coordinator (academic responsable)
4. The primary location of your school
5. A sample certificate of what your trainees will receive when they complete the training (click here to see the certificate guidelines)
6. Payment for the applicable fees