Setting standards for a safe practice

All our registered Tantra Teachers have public profiles and online reviews..

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Benefits of finding a teacher through our directory

Certified Tantra Schools provide transparency and clarity to their students and general public as they comply with a code of ethics, procedures for handling allegations of misconduct by teachers, and eligibility to training syllabus based on pre-defined and concise curriculums.

Additionally certified schools provide a world directory of their certified teachers with public reviews and a digital licence to ensure transparency and ethical conduct of every certified professional.

What people Say about us

My Tantra teacher is certified here, and being able to look at his profile and reviews before taking a class with him made me feel more comfortable to go to his class..
Freya Sanz
Tantra Student
I think Tantra needed something like this organization a long time ago. Many unscrupulous people have been taking advantage of this tradition by calling themselves Tantra Teachers.
Gaston Fernandez
Tantra Student
I feel more comfortable knowing that my teachers are under a common umbrella and they may get their license removed in case of sexual misconduct or unethical behavior. This places Tantra on a totally different level. Thank you, guys!
Diana Gerseva
Tantra student